Hickory – The Hickory Downtown Development Association is looking for artists and buskers to participant in the City Walk Celebration to be held Saturday May 4, 2024 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm in Downtown Hickory.
All booth spaces are 10 feet by 10 feet. The registration fee for each booth is $30. There is no available electricity for your booth. Registrations must be postmarked by March 31, 2024.
For an application, please contact Amy at info@downtownhickory.com or Barbara at blsinclair1@bellsouth.net. You may also call 828-322-1121. Please follow the application process closely as incomplete applications will not be considered.
Artists will be notified of their acceptance on or before April 7, 2024.
Buskers, please send your information and an example of your music to info@downtownhickory.com or blsinclair1@bellsouth.net. There is no charge for buskers and you will be playing for tips.
For more information on The HDDA, membership, businesses, other events and downtown Hickory, please call 828-322-1121 or email info@downtownhickory.com. Please visit the website, www.downtownhickory.com.
The City Walk Celebration is hosted by the Hickory Downtown Development Association and all proceeds go toward our mission to make downtown a better community for everyone.
The Hickory Downtown Development Association (HDDA) is a private, non-profit 501(c)6, member organization with a volunteer Board of Directors representing a broad cross-section of property owners, business owners, and citizens-at-large.
HDDA is a member of the North Carolina Main Street program with the purpose of stimulating economic development and community improvement within the context of historic preservation. HDDA addresses issues in areas of physical design, promotion and events, and business development within the boundaries of the commercial downtown district.
To learn more and possibly become a member, please visit our website, DowntownHickory.com, or contact us at Info@DowntownHickory.com.
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